How to be nicer..with ourselves


We are approaching the end of the year and it is already a thing to review our goals, the year that passed, what we managed to tick from the list, what we didn't manage. And in all this madness, we forget about ourselves.


Look at it this way - many times we set unrealistic goals, many times we set realistic goals but we don't complete them for some very good reasons. Many times we complete them and we are still not satisfied and happy, even if we have achieved them.

We are very focused on theţon what we want to do and we are not enjoying the PROCESSgoing through the experiences nor of our evolution.

Of course it is very important to have in mind what we want to achieve, to have a plan, to act consistentlyţbut much more important for the final goal is HOW we go through the process and how everything changes us. Because depending on this, the final result can be different from what we imagined.

I realized that for whatever I have planned and whatever I want to achieve, the most important thing is to pay attention to myself, to be gentle with myself and be nicer with myself when it doesn't turn out the way I wanted, or it doesn't happen exactly the way I wanted .

I think it's worth mentioning that I believe that everything happens for the best and that it is very important to understand what feelings something awakens in me when something is not as I would have liked and what wounds it brings to the surface, that need my attention.


I listen, listen and listen again to what is happening in my body and soul. I listen with kindness, gentleness and patience. I accept and realize that it is part of my wonderful evolution. 

I hug myself when I feel like I can't anymore și and when I don't understand. I integrate, I say sweet words to myself when I'm upset about what's going on, and I thanks myself for everything I manage to do, no matter how small that thing is.

I am a perfectionist and this process is not easy at all, but little by little I manage to be kinder to myself and others. That's because when you are kinder and gentler with yourself, you can also be with others. You can't give what you don't have 🙂 

When things don't go your way or end the way you want them to, take a break, breathe, step back and listen to your body and soul. Wait to see what surfaces and embrace all that is. Because we are all divine and wonderful drops.

And if it doesn't work the first time, give it another chance, and if it doesn't work the 2nd time, give it another chance and another chance….

This is how we learn and this is how we grow. Through our experiences and everything we do, even if it's not exactly how we wanted it to be.

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Ramona Costin

My career in the field of personal development began as a teacher in 2010. I stepped into this adventure with great joy and enthusiasm and always felt that my role was to pass the magic on.