About me
Ramona Costin
Who is Ramona?
My career in the field of personal development began as a teacher in 2010. I stepped into this adventure with great joy and enthusiasm and always felt that my role was to pass the magic on.
5 years ago I started building my own path as a Mentor and Counsellor, thus honoring my purpose of inspiring and guiding my fellows. As a Solution Focused Coach, I am looking at all the options and opportunities that we can consciously discover together.
I enjoyed creating moments and opportunities for growth and discovery for those around me so much that I always remained connected in one way or another to this field until I made the decision that this is actually my path.
My process is sprinkled with dreams and discoveries, with hopelessness and imaginary walls, but also with a lot of joy and magic. I understood that I am not a leaf in the wind, but a magnificent creation of the Divinity.
And just as in the beginning Creation first was the word, also through Words we empower ourselves and create everything that surrounds us. word, tot prin cuvânt ne împuternicim și ne creăm tot ce ne înconjoară.
I am ❤